Recent Cloud updates

What's new?

Changes to maintenance, alerts, and system activity

The next time you login to your cloud, take a look at the main menu on the left. You'll see that the "Alerts", "System Activity", and "Maintenance" pages have all been removed, and replaced with a new page called "Activity".


This new page will combine all of your cloud, site, or device's activities and events into one table, with the option to focus on particular event types if you want. We chose to combine all of the events into one page so that it was easier to follow the cause and affect relationships between system actions, alerts, and maintenance-related tasks.

For example, let's say a user changes the configuration profile for a particular client device from IC to ENT. This will cause a chain of events to occur:

    1. a maintenance config task is created to replace the device's config with the site-level config,
    1. an offline alert is created for the device since the site-level settings are not compatible with the device's current mode of operation,
    1. a received config task is created after the device reverts the non-working config, and sends up its old configuration to the cloud, and finally,
    1. an admin user receives a "config out of sync" email alert letting them know that the device's local config doesn't match the config on the cloud.

In the previous implementation, in order to figure out what happened here, you'd have to visit three different pages - system activity to see that the configuration profile was changed, alerts to see that the device went offline, and maintenance to see which config tasks were created.

In the current implementation, all of these events can be shown in the same table, making it much easier to determine what caused certain events to take place, and who caused them.

New user roles and permissions

We've redesigned the user management module of the cloud, and have given you the ability to manage permissions on a more granular level.

  • A new site-level role has been added in addition to the existing "Manager" and "Guest" roles, called "Custom":
  • For the "Custom" role type, you can choose which permissions are granted to that particular user:

Other Alert-related changes

There were some other important alert-related changes made in this deployment:

  • Alerts are no longer "clearable". This means that you can no longer clear out "unresolved" alerts for a device to make them go away. Instead, if one of your devices is permanently offline, you should decommission it so that its alerts will not show up in your site or cloud.
  • You can now choose to unsubscribe from alert and other maintenance task related emails. (Please check the link at the bottom of your alert emails). This was put into place to make sure that anyone mistakenly added to an alert email list for a site can easily remove themselves if needed.