Recent updates: Configuration policy renaming

What Changed?

You may have noticed that we recently renamed our configuration policies from "Enterprise" and "Service Provider" to "Enterprise" and "Individually Configured".

We found there was some confusion in what "Service Provider" actually meant - so we renamed this policy to make things more clear. We also added more descriptive text to the policy descriptions so it's 100% clear what will happen when you assign the particular policy to your device.

Here's a quick revisit of what each policy means:

1. Enterprise

Select this profile type if you want to manage the wireless devices in your site as one unit - this means the majority of your site's settings will be pushed to all of your wireless access points.

You might choose this for a hotel, business, or other similar application. Even though enterprise-type devices will inherit most of their settings from the site-level, you can always override any settings at the device-level by making changes on the device-level configuration pages.

2. Individually Configured

Select this policy type if your devices will be used for infrastructure, backhaul, or will be configured independently from the other devices in your site. For example - if you need to run one of your APs as a wireless client, you might want to choose this option.

These devices will only inherit the configuration for local logins, LED functionality, and reset button functionality.

How does policy affect configuration?

Each configuration section will tell you, via the indicator in the image below, whether or not the types of devices listed on the indicator will inherit the site-level settings for that section.

For example, on the express setup configuration page, you'll notice that Enterprise-type devices will receive all of the wireless settings. This means all enterprise devices added this site will broadcast the SSID(s) you chose for your wireless network name(s).

If you look at the "Local Device Access" section - BOTH Enterprise and Individually Configured type devices inherit this local login setting. All devices on this site will inherit these sets of login credentials. This allows you to commonly manage local access to all devices in your network.