Changes to 60 GHz down alerts:
We've completely re-worked how the 60 GHz down/5 GHz failover alerts work on the Cloud.
Alerts are no longer created for the master device in PtMP setups, only on the client device, where it makes the most sense. This should fix any issues with false warning-level alerts persisting on your MetroLinq master devices. If you think you're still experiencing incorrect alerts, please contact
Changes to tasks and activities:
When you make a configuration change, you can see a record of what exactly changed for that configuration task on the related system event, instead of the task:

Device menu redesign:
Live actions (those that require a "live" connection with the device, such as troubleshooting file fetch, reboot, or packet capture) have been combined with main device menu options, and is available on all pages from the device-level context.
Hotspot smart isolation and firewall rules:
If your devices are running the latest firmwares (in beta for HeliOS devices), you can set firewall rules on the hotspot bridge, as well as enable smart isolation.

New "strict" smart isolation option:
We've added a new "strict" smart isolation option. You can read about it in a KB article on the support site.

VLAN tagging is available on ethernet ports:
You can enable VLAN tags on ethernet ports for your Wi-Fi devices. If you don't see this option on the config page, you'll need to upgrade your device's firmware.

Other notible changes:
- We've added support for the Spark W2 Mini PoE model
- 60 GHz scan is available from the Cloud with supported firmware
- You can can now perform packet captures on VLAN'ed networks
- Troubleshooting files are now attached to failed configuration or upgrade tasks for supported firmwares. This will allow the IgniteNet support team to more easily debug why a particular configuration task didn't succeed, before the original configuration is reverted.
What's next?
- Cloud support for the ML LW 5 (in testing)
- We're adding a new feature that allows you to schedule site-level reboots
- Cloud support for the MeshLinq