What's new?
We've reworked the site-level dashboard to make the information shown to you more useful.
Most active clients last 5 mins: This pie chart can help you quickly identify the clients who are currently generating the most traffic. High traffic clients can potentially indicate that someone has a virus, or that you need to implement rate limiting in order to share the bandwidth between your users more fairly.
Most active APs: We have THREE graphs for you here, aren't you excited??
Most active APs by Client Count (over last 5 mins)
Most active APs by Traffic Amt Transferred (over last 5 mins)
Most active APs (over last 24 hours): This graph will let you see which APs are the most active (and those that are the most underutilized) over the past day, broken up by upload and download amounts.
Designated Gateway: Select a "gateway" device and interface on the site properties page to see its historical traffic stats on the site dashboard.