What's new?
- We've completely reworked how we handle your Cloud login sessions. What does this mean to you?
- There's no longer a restriction that forces you to be logged into a single Cloud account per browser. You can now be logged into multiple clouds across different tabs.
- Safari users should no longer experience the occasional login errors. If you do encounter any login or session issues, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@ignitenet.com.
- Your historical wireless and network graphs have been moved under a new menu option called "Statistics". In addition, you'll see there are new graphs for memory and CPU usage on the System statistics page.

- We're completely re-working configuration, so you'll start to see some small changes introduced while the larger ones are continuing to be developed.
For example, in order to make configuration more straightforward, we've removed the "Express" setup option from the Site-level configuration menu, as well as flattened all other add-on related configs into one page.
Looking for your wireless regulatory country setting? You can find it on the Wireless tab of your site's configuration page now.
- We're still continuing to finalize MetroLinq 2.5 cloud support. Outstanding validation issues should be resolved as of the deployment today (Nov 15th). If you're still experiencing any cloud-related issues on your ML 2.5 units, and you're running latest firmware, please contact support to let us know.
What's next?
- The new dashboard designs will be made default for everyone starting next week.
- The new and improved theme picker for VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) will be available soon.
- Switch configuration support is still in progress.